Please note that on Wednesday, March 19, the website will be temporarily unavailable due to scheduled maintenance. The downtime will last for a few hours between 11:00 and 16:00 CET (Central European Time), which corresponds to 6:00–11:00 EST (Eastern Standard Time) and 19:00–00:00 JST (Japan Standard Time). Thank you for your understanding.
珍宝级的特点是高度的灵活性和出色的性能。采用特殊的型材结构和轻质材料,保证了该系列产品的低自重。这使得能够在车辆上运输更多的工具、工作附件和材料。独特的X-jib意味着即使是难以进入的工作场所也能轻易到达。这种灵活性是由旋转2 x 200度的作业平台特别支持的。这个平台的旋转设施允许整个平台宽度为3.88米,可以在建筑物的后方使用。
The kit solutions for the Smart and Low Smart line provided by PALFINGER cover a range of telescopic and articulated platforms with working height from 11 meters up to 24 meters. Choosing kit solutions the dealer can take care of the installation on local chassis which have been checked (with GVW above 5 ton) in accordance with local law. Kits have fully hydraulic controls for an easy installation and can be ordered with insulation 1000V. All the kits are provided with the instruction manual. Further features can be ordered accordingly (e.g. stabilisers, inclinometer, fibre glass cage). Subframe engineering is an additional service which can be provided per request seprately)
If you are a dealer involved in installing PALFINGER aerial work platforms in the kit version on trucks chosen by you or one of your customers, we have developed a program that can help you with this.
Thanks to our stability check program you will be able to know in advance whether a platform model will be installable on the truck of your choice. Instruction of stability check program